Friday 2 September 2011

A Coffee Crusade by Theodore Isaac Erski

Official Blurb

Bridget Hall is a driven & successful entrepreneur running a non-profit company named the Coffee Exchange Alliance. She’s working to establish a fair-trade business presence on the Caribbean island of Salavandra, but must overcome the corrupt Minister of Agriculture, Rafael Gallegos, who profits by marginalizing the island’s farmers and smuggling their coffee to Jamaica. Bridget tackles personal & professional challenges on Salavandra that ultimately shake her belief in the choices she’s made in life as well as in her self-appointed role as savior of the island’s coffee farmers.

My Review

Let me start by saying this is not a book I can recommend. It's well written and very well produced.

This is a thriller that thrills.  It has likeable protagonists who you can easily like and you'll want to follow their exploits.  It's got "driven" people, people on a mission, very good bad guys, and lots of likeable people in between.  As I said it's very well put together and I really enjoyed listening to it until the end of the last chapter.

So what was wrong with it. Simply put, the ending.

It's like half a book.  The plot of the story does not end or even reach a good climax. It simply stops at a point where the plot is on a downer.  This left me with a real bad taste in my mouth.

Reading 2/3
Production 2/3
Story 1/3

Total Score 5/9

 Download it from the Podiobooks
 Listen to the first part