Wednesday 5 March 2008

The Silk Code

The official blurb

Phil D'Amato, New York City forensic detective, is caught in an ongoing struggle that dates all the way back to the dawn of humanity on earth--and one of his best friends is a recent casualty. Unless Phil can unravel the genetic puzzle of the Silk Code, he'll soon be just as dead.

My Review

This story started out really well, I was hooked and wanted to know what/who/where. The hinted at secret organisations and methods of killings were presented well and dramaticly. If you listen to the promo, you'll know why I was so drawn into this story.

Yet, in the middle it slowed right down during a protracted flash-back. I found myself getting a little bored. When it came back to the present the story picked up again, but at one point I nearly gave up on it. Fundamentally I'm glad that I stuck with it. The characters are well presented and rounded out nicely, the lead character is easy to get along with.

Reading = 2/3
Production = 3/3
Story = 1/3

Total = 6/9

You can find this at Podiobooks

Audio Promo MP3