Monday 1 June 2009

Tom Swift and his Electric Runabout

Official Blurb

Tom Swift enters an upcoming race with his specially-designed prototype electric race car. But as he makes the final preparations and adjustments, days before the race, he discovers a plot that would bankrupt not only his family, but also everyone else that relies on the local bank (which is the target of a nefarious bank-run scheme). Tom must solve the mystery and stop the criminals behind the plot before he’ll test himself on a 500 mile race against some of the best electric cars and skilled drivers in the United States. Listeners are forewarned that some elements and characters included in Tom Swift books portray certain ethnic groups in a very dated manner that modern readers, and listeners, may find offensive. Despite the racially stereotyped behavior and pronunciation in the books, the Reader believes it makes sense to read what’s written in order to be faithful to the author’s intent.

My Review

This is a fun little story, an example of speculative fiction of it's day. the Tom swift stories are all light hearted stories where you are always guarenteed a happy ending.

The cuteness of the lead character constant enemy being referred to as "the bully" gets me everytime. It's oldy worldy to me and I find that appealing.

As with the other Swift novels it all hinges around a new invention of the young Tom Swift, a genius inventor of devices. In this case the driving force is a Prize race for electric cars. We follow the hero of the story as he conceives the invention, makes it a reality and then enters the race. Along the way there are adventures and troubles and of course run ins with "the bully" and his pals.

All in all a really fun little story. the reader in this case was perfect for the story. His voice is upbeat and matches the tone of the story itself

Reading 2/3
Production 2/3
Story 2/3

Total Score 6/9

Download it from Librivox

Listen to the first chapter
