Wednesday 13 January 2010

Space Prison

Official Blurb

AFTER TWO CENTURIES….The sound came swiftly nearer, rising in pitch and swelling in volume. Then it broke through the clouds, tall and black and beautifully deadly — the Gern battle cruiser, come to seek them out and destroy them. Humbolt dropped inside the stockade, exulting. For two hundred years his people had been waiting for the chance to fight the mighty Gern Empire … with bows and arrows against blasters and bombs!

My Review

I got through this book very quickly because it was a great experience. The story is a classic space opera type story. Man is pitched against aliens and a harsh ( very harsh ) environment in a deadly struggle for survival and with only a slim hope of success.

The story is fairly epic in scope and travels across time as a group of marooned people and their decendents, struggle to survive and fight back against those that marooned them.

The reading is excellent, as it usually is by Mark Nelson, and he's brought this good quality story to life with his smooth voice and great charactisation. So this is a recommended listen.

Reading 3
Production 2
Story 3

Total 8/9

Download the book from Librivox

Listen to chapter one